Welcome to this series

"The Mistakes of Modern Science"

(which intends to demonstrate that
the great names of science are fallible
and many of our so-called 'scientific' proofs are false.)

YouTube: Einstein's E=MC2 is Wrong

Once, it was the Church that protected Religion from Science, now it is Science that protects 'Science' from Science.

The premise of 'Modern Science' is that the Quantum World cannot be known
and can only be revealed by "going faster and faster"
as the Red Queen said in 'Alice Through the Looking Glass'

and where the expression "Down the Rabbit Hole" is now the axiom of the Quantum World.

Science may enjoy living in multiple parallel dimensions where particles can talk to their their twins immediately from across the galaxies and tenured professors can argue about black holes,


with simple math demonstrated by a person with the name Miles Mathis(!),
the true hero (not the Mad Hatter or the loveable Mad Professor Einstein),

Science can be knowable again!

This paper is titled "Einstein's E=mc2 is wrong".

What is interesting is that Einstein's famous E=mc2 is actually missing in his famous paper of September 27, 1905 that defined it! It is merely implied and as we shall see: wrongly.

The title of Einstein's paper is:

"Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content?"

Its title is of little help: nothing about smashing atoms and nuclear war or even matter itself! It is about "light emitting from a two bodies" while the observer moves away from them.

Even Einstein's final result:

which has to be unraveled.

Einstein's comment on this result is:

"If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c2"

Using a supposed more modern and universally accepted E instead of L to denote energy and by algebraically switching sides,
it becomes:

E = mc2

But right here is the magic trick because E0 was defined as the rest energy of the particle:
"Let there be a stationary body in the system (x, y, z), and let its energy— referred to the system (x, y, z) be E0"
And L earlier was defined as "Waves of light of energy 1/2 L measured relatively to (x,y,z)"
therefore L = mc2 is Einstein's real final result because m0c2 is not the rest energy before or after the emission of the light, it is the change in rest energy. It is the energy equivalence of the planes of light!

Part of the complexity of the calculations comes from making the two light sources in his thought problem to be at an angle to the x-axis. And yet, Einstein's conclusion does hint at the impact of E=mc2 when the speed of light is constant and surely mass is capable of creating a huge amount of energy. However, technically, E is not equal to mc2 (E≠mc2) because Einstein used the faulty gamma transform that he had derived in his previous paper of that same year:

"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", which was on special relativity (SR)

In this previous paper, his derivation of the transform - gamma - was incorrect, because he failed to recognize that velocities are relative to coordinate systems just like the spacial coordinates x,y,z. After all, v =s/t, (Velocity is the change in space divided by the change in time). The fact that Einstein used the same v in his calculations when he needed to have two velocities v and v' led him to miscalculate gamma as the transform. His error has existed in mainstream physics for over 100 years; even now!

(See Miles Mathis paper in the link below:
"E≠mc2 (Gamma is Kappa) A Complete Re-Derivation of E=MC2")

The difference between these to two transforms is negligible over short distances, but at greater distances, it breaks down; such as what causes NASA's so-called Pioneer anomaly (The observed deviation from predicted accelerations of the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft after they passed about 20 astronomical units was equivalent to a reduction of the outbound velocity by 1 km/h over a period of ten years. - Now explained away by vacuum pressure!). The Jet Propulsion Lab had asked for help in understanding why the equations of Relativity were yielding wrong numbers in their calculations on space satellites, but refused to accept the kappa of Miles Mathis, which correctly calculates the right numbers.

Milena & Albert Einstein who collaborated on the paper

Over time, Einstein, sadly, never found his error and by adding tensor calculus to his derivation of gamma, made it even more difficult to find. All the higher abstruse math such as hyperbolic fields, imaginary numbers, Hilbert spaces, Hamiltonians, and Lagrangians have further disguised the simplicity of his mistake or, for that matter, the simplicity of the corrected solution.

It is hoped that this brief paper will inspire you to read the proof of Einstein's error
and its correct solution as given by

Miles Mathis
who is the author of these proofs.